TRX bootcamp with Coach Gavin- Starting April 2nd

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What is the TRX?
The TRX is a single anchor multi-planar suspension training system designed by a Navy Seal for field training that utilizes your own body weight as resistance and can be modified for any skill level from beginner to advanced!

Why the TRX?
The TRX is one of the most versatile conditioning implements allowing adaptability for any level of participant.  We want to encourage the integration of beginner and advanced members.  As a beginner working alongside an advanced participant, a faster learning curve and progression is attained.  As an advanced participant the accountability of providing a pristine example for a newcomer keeps motivation and form at optimal standards.

Why a Bootcamp format?
This format was selected to drive the most important aspect of achieving results; consistency.  With anything in life it takes a consistent system to achieve a goal.  Sporadic class appearances might have good intent, but long term benefits and goals won’t be reached this way.  It takes consistent exposure for adaptation and a habitual practice to stick.  The Bootcamp format sets a consistent frequency and increases your accountability to show up.

What can I expect joining a camp?
The camps are small groups (no more than 8) that provide encouragement and support in a team atmosphere where we can also pay closer attention to each individual than in a large group setting. We do a Day 1 base line test and a final day finishing test so that you can monitor, see and feel the progress that you have made!
The workouts are designed to be challenging at any level, from beginner to advanced.

How are the workouts structured?
Each workout will have a preparation talk outlining the day, a warm-up, 3 rounds of TRX strength movements and conditioning drills, a challenge round and a stretch/cool down.  There are no 2 workouts that are the same during the length of the camp.

What kind of results can I expect?
The TRX addresses strength, conditioning and flexibility.  You can expect to get stronger, especially with regard to functional movements and core strength.  Improvements have also been experienced with both cardio and flexibility.  If fat loss is a goal for you, the combination of strength and cardio in this program is one of the most effective ways to burn fat!  Looking to tone-up?  TRX has you covered with its bodyweight resistance training.

When are they offered and how much does it cost?
There are two camp options to choose from.  Beginning Tuesday April 2nd 2x/wk. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30am or at 6:00pm for 6 consecutive weeks for a total of 12 sessions costs $189+tax.  These are two separate camps, so if you sign-up for 10:30am, that is your committed time, you can’t bounce back and forth between 10:30am and 6pm.

How do I sign-up?
The camps are capped at 8 people per 6 week block so you are encouraged to commit sooner than later to guarantee your spot since space is limited.  A minimum of 5 will be needed for the camp to run.  Please contact Cait to sign-up for a camp.

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