Primal Burn Bootcamp with Coach Gavin Starts June 4th

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The PRIMAL BURN Bootcamp at Active Life Conditioning!


What is the PRIMAL BURN Bootcamp?

This Bootcamp is uniquely designed to improve strength and cardiovascular health while addressing structural imbalances.   A focus on proper execution of the core primal movement patterns being the Squat, Lunge, Bend, Push, Pull and Twist that all motions incorporate has shaped the form of this program to challenge any participant.


How does this Bootcamp differ from others?

Each primal movement is dissected and then rebuilt throughout the duration of the camp with an emphasis on execution and appropriate tempos to ensure awareness of the pattern.  It is movement with purpose, not just motion.


Why a Bootcamp format?

This format was selected to drive the most important aspect of achieving results; consistency.  With anything in life it takes a consistent system to achieve a goal.  Sporadic class appearances might have good intent, but long term benefits and goals won’t be reached this way.  It takes consistent exposure for adaptation and a habitual practice to stick.  The Bootcamp format sets a consistent frequency and increases your accountability to show up.


What can I expect joining a camp?

The camps are small groups (no more than 8) that provide encouragement and support in a team atmosphere where we can also pay closer attention to each individual than in a large group setting.  The program is a progressive program, meaning that each session builds on the previous session’s ground work, gradually increasing the complexity of the movements.  We do a Day 1 base line test and a final day finishing test so that you can monitor, see and feel the progress that you have made!   You can expect an elevated heart rate, sweat and both a muscular and cardiovascular burn.


What kind of results can I expect?

You can expect improved overall movement, strength and cardio.  If fat loss is a goal for you, the combination of strength and cardio in this program is one of the most effective ways to burn fat!  Looking to tone-up?  This program will stimulate muscles you didn’t know you had!


When is the camp offered and how much does it cost?

There are two camp options to choose from.  Beginning Tuesday June 4th 2x/wk. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30am or at 6:30pm for 6 consecutive weeks for a total of 12 sessions.  It costs $189+tax.  These are two separate camps, so if you sign-up for 10:30am, that is your committed time, you can’t bounce back and forth between 10:30am and 6:30pm at your leisure.


How do I sign-up?

The camps are capped at 8 people per 6 week block so you are encouraged to commit sooner than later to guarantee your spot since space is limited.  Please contact Cait to sign-up for a camp.

Phone: (705) 888-6337

Email: [email protected];

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